i think im out of my mind.
let's just say I'M homosexual. gay. fag. queer. cibai motherfucker.
[i refuse the usual "i have a friend ..." because we all fuckin know that "friend" is none other than the one saying it.]
so, I'M gay. let's just say i am.
what is it to you?
the only thing that separates me from the heterosexual male is this - my sexual preference towards men, men who have the same tendency.
the only thing that separates me from most of YOU is this - YOU cannot accept the simple fact of life.
just because i dont fuck chicks. just because i fuck "dudes". sex is sex. sex is no longer the sacred act of reproduction. seriously, the biggest worry on any dudes' head is to get the lady pregnant when it comes to most sex. so, i choose to have sex with other gay men, pregnant ladies out of the list, but heck, in with the HIV.
okay. im out of my mind.
so, I'M gay. right.
i think straight men should thank God for gay men. if we're all straight, i pity the ugly boys who wont stand a chance of hitting it on with chicks. you lucky those pretty boys like it up the bottom. and the fact of the matter is, even if we play straight, chances are we still get `em chicks! HAH!
so, im still gay, right. let's just say i am.
its not because we're so much intune with our feminine side, its simply because we LISTEN and we take TIME to understand them chicks, while most men just wanna get straight down to business. everything is straight for straight men. metrosexual or ubersexual, those are the ones intune with their feminine side. HAH!
so anyway, lets stop this gay shit.
too much saying, but i think it all comes down to this - i am in my right to be one. you are in your right not to accept one.
that said - the world does not only revolves around you!
something random : i changed my mind. i think brunettes are hot!
Let's just say IF you are GAY right.
You know I will still love you.
Hugs. On totally something random, why the fuck do you NOT used to think brunettes are hot? *indignant*
mamoyo : i have this thing with blonde chicks, but i met a really really nice and hot brunette last weekend and i have never had a brilliant time with a chick like that before ... so, yeah ... brunettes are not only hot ... they're friggin smart too!
Oh Josh u came out the closet at last. is it any better out here with the rest of us? hehe
adam : cibai motherfucker! wht closet? hah.
Respect that and We love you, Cuz. No worries!
okaaaay.. hmm.. this totally changes evverything mate.. EVERYTHING.. so.. like.. lets say.. IF you REALLY are right? we're still on for our multi-birthday sessions when you're back in Borneo right???
fuck u bitch. its all good.. we love u! miss u man...
*random fact: i'v been tagged as being on the other side of the fence (by sum ppl) since i started looking hot.. *
Wtf. The first brunette you're impressed with?
What the fuck are the rest of us?!?
ahhh *hugs*
you are what you are lah, just do what you feel is right, the freedom to choose your sexuality should be yours. fuck chicks, fuck dudes, we're all pretty much doing it for the pleasure of love-making anyway - the procreation/recreation bullshit no longer applies why give a damn.
it's not like homosexuality's something new anyway, the ancient civilisations actually embraced it openly, dunno what's with the damn homophobia in this day and age anyway.
yeah on a separate note whyyyyyyyyy the brunette discriminationnnnnnnnnnn...
erm... mamoyo.. u'r not brunette.. just thought u might want to know that.. from a friend..
in fact, u'r asian.. not ang-moh.. it's the tadpole that's telling u u'r brunette.. her head's messed up.. u can't believe everything that comes out of her mouth..
=) aight? *hugs*
dude. wow. :) good for you.
i understand how u feel about ppl who feel like they have a right to condemn us.
i feel like they should all go and.. then again, i think i'll just censor myself here.
u take care yeah?
cheers! :D
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